
Conference banners and flags welcomed participants to the Conference
venue, Sheraton Marrakech. |

Organising committee and FIG Council members ready to start with the
2nd FIG Regional Conference. |

Congress Director Ahmed Boukri welcomes President Holger
Magel and President Aziz Hilali to the conference venue. |
Prof. Holger Magel, President of FIG. |
Opening ceremony |

President Aziz Hilali, ONIGT. |

President Holger Magel, FIG making his keynote address. |

President Magel. |

Several ministers from Morocco participated the opening ceremony and
the conference was organised under the High Patronise of His Majesty
The King Mohammed VI. |

Over 400 people participated the openingceremony. |
Congress Director Ahmed Boukri. |
Plenary session, Tuesday December 2, 2003 |

The Conference started with a plenary session, opened by Congress
Director Boukri and with keynote speakers Don Okpala from
UN-HABITAT and David Palmer from FAO. |

Dr. Andreas Drees, Vice President of FIG acted as rapporteur in
the plenary session.

Don Okpala, UN-Habitat. |

At the plenary session translation was provided in English, French and
Arabic and in technical sessions in English and French. |
Education Roundtable and Marrakech Declaration |

Almost 40 participants attended a special round table on the education
of surveying and geomatics in Africa. |

Drafting group on its meeting to prepare the Marrakech Declaration
which will be published in fall 2004. |
Exhibition |

Thanks to many sponsors and exhibitors the conference was a big
professional success. |


President Holger Magel visiting the exhibitors in the exhibition hall. |
Meetings with members and partners |

Saudi Arabia joined FIG as affiliate member during the conference.
Here together with President Magel Engr. Muhamad Alrajhi,
Director General of Surveying and Mr. Abdulla M. Shedayed. |

Ordre des Géomètres-Experts et Fonciers from Tunisia has applied the
membership of FIG. Here Mr. Ahmed Trigui together with
Vice President T.N. Wong and President Magel. Also the Ordre
des Géomètres-Experts from Algeria applied FIG membership in
Marrakech. |

Svein Tveitdal, UNEP and Don Okpala, UN-Habitat together with
President Magel. |

UNEP supported some participants to the conference. Here Svein
Tveitdal together with Dode Johnson from Togo. |

The Arab Union of Surveyors had its Executive Committee meeting in
Marrakech. |

FIG President Magel attended the meeting and brought the Union
greetings from the FIG Council. |
Closing ceremony |

Congress Director Boukri and Stig Enemark, rapporteur of the
last day. |

Rob Mahoney presenting the draft of the Marrakech Declaration. |

President Hilali. |

President Magel. |

Representatives of the Arab countries after the closing ceremony. FIG
Working Week 2005 will be organised in Cairo. |
Media |

More than 30 representatives of the press and other media participated
the press conference. |

President Magel at a TV interview. The Regional conference was
selected to the Event of the Week in Morcco. |
Technical tour |

Technical tour on the last day of the conference was made to Ouraka
Valley outside Marrakech. |
Next meetings |

President Magel together with the hosts of next FIG events: Chryssy
Potsiou from Greece (WW 2004) and Dalal Alnaggar from Egypt
(WW 2005). Sarkis Fadous is Chair of the LOC for the international
conference to take place in Lebanon in fall 2004. |

Chryssy Potsiou inviting participants to Athens in May 2004. |

President Magel signed agreement on the 3rd FIG Regional Conference to
be held in Jakarta, Indonesia October 3-7, 2004 with Sobar Sutisna
from the Ikatan Surveyor Indonesia and Rudolf Matindas, Chair