About FIG

The role of FIG

FIG’s activities are governed by a work plan, which is approved by the General Assembly and reviewed by Council as its tenure progresses. The current work plan with the motto “Ensuring the Rapid Response to Change Ensuring the Surveyor of Tomorrow” guides Council, Commissions, Networks and Task Force in their activities.

FIG supports the role of a prosperous and sustainable profession of surveyors to provide solution functionality, reliably, affordably for a complex and rapidly changing world that cannot wait, and to translate a sustainable development agenda into action. FIG supports international collaboration among its members for the progress of surveying in all its fields and applications. FIG has a close cooperation with United Nations relevant bodies, World Bank, and its sister associations and has been globally recognized as the leading international non-governmental organization on geospatial information and the management of “land”, the “sea” and the “built” environment. It is within the surveyors’ task to determine the size and shape of the earth, to map its surface and to manage it in a sustainable way.

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