FIG Foundation - Building a Sustainable Future

The FIG Foundation - What is it?

The FIG Foundation raises funds to secure a sustainable future for surveyors. Donations finance educational and capacity building projects and scholarships, especially in developing countries and countries in transition, and encourage research into all disciplines of surveying and help disseminate the results of that research.

FIG Foundation was founded in 2001, and  2021 marks 20 years of building a sustainable future.

Together with FIG Foundation you can secure building a sustainable future:

  • With grants and scholarships for projects, for instance to develop curricula for surveying education, training and capacity building, especially in developing countries
  • By encouraging research in all disciplines of surveying and disseminating the results of that research
  • By promoting high standards of education and training for surveyors and facilitating continuing professional development
  • By educating people in the disciplines of surveying, particularly in developing countries and countries in transition
  • By promoting the use of distance learning, networking, eLearning and knowledge management of surveying education and continuing professional development
  • By promoting the exchange of surveying personnel for greater understanding of all facets of the surveying profession
  • By seed funding conferences, meetings of young surveyors and similar events in cooperation with international agencies such as the United Nations.

Grants, Scholarships, and more...

The FIG Foundation proudly supports:

  • Participation of several Young Surveyors at the FIG Working Week/Congress
  • Participation of Young Surveyors at FIG Young Surveyors Regional Meetings
  • FIG Foundation PhD Scholarship
  • FIG Foundation Academic Research Grants
  • Other worthy activities such as Volunteer Community Surveyor Program (VCSP)
  • Audrey Barker/FIG Foundation Course Development Grant



...a one page grant
...a grant proposal


The Stories of the Recipients

Meet the FIG Foundation supported recipients - learn how the FIG Foundation grant helped them to establish long term contacts, gain valuable knowledge and enabled them to make a difference in their home countries

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