FIG Academic Members

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How to become an Academic Member

The category of academic membership was introduced in 1998 to facilitate liaison between practitioners and those who provide them with their academic training and, increasingly, contribute to their continuing professional development This category will also facilitate liaison between academic institutions.

An academic member is an organisation, institution or agency which promotes education or research in one or more of the disciplines of surveying

An academic member is entitled to nominate correspondents to the Federation’s commissions and is otherwise encouraged to contribute to the work of the commissions and to play an active part in all the Federation’s technical meetings, particularly congresses. Its representatives may attend meetings of the General Assembly, but without a vote.

An academic member is entitled to receive all material disseminated in the name of the Federation, currently comprising the monthly e-Newsletter, the FIG annual review, each addition to the FIG publication series, information about forthcoming meetings, and newsletters issued by both the Council and the commissions. An academic member is thus kept up-to-date with the complete range of present and planned future activities undertaken by FIG and its members.

An academic member is entitled to have an entry in the FIG surveying education database and to promote its educational and research activities through the medium of the Federation. Names of academic members are listed in the Annual Review. The Council will publish on the web site a short article about the organisation when it is accepted as an academic member. Thereafter the Council seeks to publish, on the website and via the surveying education data base, information about course developments and research activities undertaken by academic members.

An academic member may use the FIG logo in combination with the words “Academic member”. The Council seeks to arrange a meeting between the Advisory Committee of Commission Officers (ACCO) and academic members’ representatives during FIG working weeks and other technical events, to discuss activities and developments of mutual interest. During a congress academic members are encouraged to work with Commission 2 in organising those sessions that are concerned to identify new developments and trends in education and training, including continuing professional development.

Academic membership links an organisation directly to the world-wide community of surveyors of all disciplines, as FIG is already represented in more than 100 countries in all five continents. Academic members can also benefit from the Federation’s growing links and participation in joint projects with a growing number of UN agencies.

The fee currently payable by academic members is 500 € per four years. If a member prefers to pay annually, the fee is 250 € per year.

The Council approves applications from those wishing to become academic members. An organisation, institution or agency interested in becoming an academic member should complete the relevant application form and return it to the Council.

Application form for academic members in .pdf-format
Application form for academic members as word doc


Web site  
Logo: (please attach a high resolution logo of the organisation as a .jpg file or add the link  
Contact person  
and position held  

Please attach a brief description of your organisation/department’s field of activity, including details of courses and numbers of academic staff. If an annual report is produced, this should also be included.


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