President Magel visits Consiglio Nazionale Geometri in Rome

Rome, Italy, February 20-23, 2005

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President Holger Magel, FIG and President Piero Panunzi at the CNG Headquarters in Rome during the visit of the FIG President.

Following a long lasting invitation of Consiglio Nazionale Geometri (CNG) FIG President Holger Magel visited the Rome headquarter of the Italian FIG member association, which even belongs to the FIG founding members in the year 1878. Prof. Magel had a very fruitful discussion with all members of the national council of CNG under the chair of President Piero Panunzi. President Magel thanked the Italian colleagues for their long membership and loyalty to FIG and requested than to intensify their commitments and contributions by showing a strong presence at the FIG events and especially by actively taking over functions and responsibilities within the commissions. Thus it is best guaranteed that the expertise and experience of practitioners can play a more crucial role additionally to the more academic or scientific contributions. Magel agreed with President Panunzi that FIG should take care of a good balance between theory and practice. Both aspects, theory and practice, characterise the attractiveness and efficiency of FIG as “mother of all surveying and all surveyors”. He further welcomed the Italian attitude to support via EGOS the exchange of experiences in education between mainly the Mediterranean countries and encouraged CNG to bring non FIG member countries of this region to FIG. Finally FIG President Magel expressed his hope that CNG should apply for future FIG events thus showing its interest to strengthen its active role as member association with the most single individual members.

President and Mrs Ansi Magel at a lunch with the National Council of CNG.

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