FIG Council Meets in Copenhagen

FIG Office, Copenhagen, 28-29 January 2006

The FIG Council had its first meeting this year in the FIG Office in Copenhagen 28-29 January 2006. As this was the first face-to-face meeting since the Working Week in Cairo, there were many strategic issues on the agenda. The Council also discussed many issues related to the FIG Congress 2006 and General Assembly in Munich in October and to the Regional Conference in Accra in March 2006.

Under membership issues the Council approved membership applications from four member associations and decide to propose these for the General Assembly for its approval. These new members are the Institution of Surveyors of Tanzania (IST) from Tanzania, Syndicat National des Géomètres-Topographes et Assimilés du Bénin (SYNAGETAB) from Benin, The Iranian Society of Surveyors (ISS) from the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Federation des Ingenieurs Géomètres-Topographes (Geométrè Pluriel Asbl) from the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The Council also approved 7 new academic members from Greece, Belgium, France, USA, Romania, Australia and United Kingdom. At the same time two academic members have resigned from the federation.

The Council also approved three new corporate members: PV Publications Ltd. from United Kingdom and GIS Development from India to membership category E (basic level) and Galileo Instruments, Inc. from USA to membership category F (regional level).

The Council confirmed the re-arrangements of the FIG Office including the appointment of Mr. Per Wilhelm Pedersen as the first FIG Office Manager. The Council also reviewed the implementation of the FIG Work Plan 2003-2006 and decided on actions needed to complete the work plan. Further the procedure of preparing the work plan for 2007-2010 was discussed. The Council also received an interim report from the Task force on the FIG Governance Structure.

Quite a lot of time was used to discuss the arrangements of the next FIG meetings in Accra, Munich, Hong Kong, Stockholm, Israel and Sydney.

The Council approved the accounts from 2005 and confirmed membership fees for corporate, affiliate and academic members for 2006.

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FIG Council at the meeting in the FIG Office in Copenhagen.

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Per Wilhelm Pedersen, the new FIG Office Manager (on the left) was introduced to the Council.

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Council members in their work...

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