The 1st FIG Young Surveyors North American Meeting San Diego, California April 14 – 15 2014

25 enthusiastic surveyors from 15 states had a lively discussion on how to establish a Young Surveyors presence and program within North America. Discussions pointed out that there is the need for interaction, collaboration and communication between the young and the more seasoned professionals.

News in 2014

FIG Young Surveyors North American Meeting 14-15 April 2014 San Diego, California

27 February 2014

Be part of the FIG Young Surveyors 1st North American Network Meeting!!!

Following the success of the 1st FIG Young Surveyors European meeting, we are pleased to announce the 1st FIG Young Surveyors North American meeting! Join the California/Nevada surveyors at the CLSA-NALS conference at Surveyors’ Paradise from April 12-16, or come exclusively for the YSN meeting on the 14-15 April, in sunny, warm San Diego. This meeting will be your opportunity to establish the North American network of young surveyors, and define its remit. The two-day event will include prominent speakers and networking sessions with key partners. It will also include ‘unconference’ elements - through workshops and breakout sessions the young surveyors will redefine the boundaries (pun intended!) of the profession and create an action plan for their future.

Confirmed Keynote Speakers:

  • Don Buhler (Chief Cadastral Surveyor, US Bureau of Land Management)
  • Bryn Fosburgh (Vice President, Trimble Navigation)
  • Steve Frank (Chair, FIG Commission 2)
  • Shannon Hixson (Product Marketing Manager, Leica Geosystems)
  • William Stone (National Geodetic Survey State Advisor)
  • Curt Summer (Executive Director, National Society of Professional Surveyors)

Venue: Town and Country Resort Hotel, San Diego, California

For the full CLSA/NALS conference, register at:
Student rate: $180 (must be current student, others can pay member rate)

For the 2-day YSN NA meeting, register at:

See flyer

27 February 2014

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