Conference and Seminar Proceedings

FIG Pacific Small Island Developing States Symposium,

18-20 September 2013 in Suva, Fiji




ISBN 978-87-92853-07-3

Program at a Glance

Click at the session title for more information.

18 September 2013
19 September 2013
20 September 2013
09:00 – 10:45   Plenary Session 1 Plenary Session 2
    Tea/Coffee Break
11:30 – 13:00  

Technical Sessions:
1A: The Importance of Geospatial Information

1B: Hydrography and Climate Change


Joint Workshops:

2B: Joint FIG Task Force on Climate Change/GLTN/FAO


    Lunch Break
14:15 – 15:45 Registration opens at 11:00

Technical Sessions:
2A: Valuation and Land Administration

2B: Geodetic infrastructure


1. Open Meeting on the United Nations Initiative on Global Geospatial Information Management

2. Open Meeting on the Voluntary Guidelines

15:45 – 16:30 15:30
Opening Ceremony
Tea/Coffee Break
16:30 – 18:00 Opening Session

Joint Workshops:

1B: Joint FAO/UN-Habitat GLTN


Closing Session:

Suva Statement on Spatially Responsible Governance

20:00 -   Fijian Dinner  


  Wednesday 18th September 2013
1100- Registration opens
Novotel Entertainment Center
Opening Ceremony
Welcome by: Mr. CheeHai Teo, FIG President
[Abstract] [Paper] [Handouts]
Novotel Conference





Opening Session
Session Chair: Mr. CheeHai Teo, FIG President
[Abstract] [Paper] [Handouts]

Special Welcome Address, The Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forests and Minister for Rural Maritime Development and National Disaster Management Lt. Col. Inia Seruiratu
[Abstract] [Paper] [Handouts]

Responsible Governance of tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forest for Sustainable Future, Mr. Aru Mathias, Forest Resource Management Officer, Sub-regional Office for the Pacific Islands (SAPD), Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
[Abstract] [Paper] [Handouts]

Global Geospatial Information Management for Responsible Governance and Sustainable Development, Mr. Greg Scott, Inter-regional Advisor, GGIM
[Abstract] [Paper] [Handouts]

2000- Welcome Reception
  Thursday 19th September 2013
Novotel Conference
Plenary session 1
Session Chair: Prof. John Hannah, Chair of FIG Task Force on Surveyors and the Climate Change

Mr. Aru Mathias, FAO, Samoa - TBC
National and Regional Collaboration in implementing VG for Responsible Governance and Sustainable Development
[Abstract] [Paper] [Handouts]

Ms. Jiang XiaoHong, representing the President of UN-GGIM-AP
In Support of Responsible Governance and Sustainable Development: UN-GGIM-AP Activities
[Abstract] [Paper] [Handouts]

Mr. John Dawson, Chair of UN-GGIM-AP WG1
Asia Pacific Reference Frame in support of Responsible Governance and Sustainable Development
[Abstract] [Paper] [Handouts]

Ms. Lowie Rosales, UN-Habitat/GLTN
Administering customary rights and tenure for Responsible Governance and Sustainable Development
[Abstract] [Paper] [Handouts]
1045-1130 Coffee Break
Novotel House
Technical Session 1A: FIG Commission 3 Technical Session: The Importance of Geospatial Information
Session Chair: Mr. Samuela Naicegucegu, Director Land Use
Ministry of Lands and Mineral Resources

Prof. Yerach Doytsher, FIG COM3 Chair (Israel)
Innovations in the Geospatial Data Technologies
[Abstract] [Paper] [Handouts]

Mr. Hartmut Muller, FIG COM3, Chair of WG 3.1 (Germany)
Geospatial Information Management, a Feasible Tool for Small Island Developing States.
[Abstract] [Paper] [Handouts]

Mr. Mohd Yusoff Mohd Yunus et al. (Malaysia)
eKadaster: A Learning experience for Malaysia. 
[Abstract] [Paper] [Handouts]

Open Discussion:
"Importance of Spatial Information for the Pacific Small Islands Region"
Discussion moderators: Mr. Yerach Doytsher and Mr. Hartmut Muller

Novotel House
Technical Session 1B: Hydrography and Climate Change
Session Chair: Mr. Tebutonga Ereata, Director of Lands, Ministry of Environment, Lands, and Agricultural Development, Kiribati

Mr. Adam Greenland (New Zealand)
Hydrographic Risk Assessment for Maritime Safety
[Abstract] [Paper] [Handouts]

Mr. John Maschke (Australia)
The Benefits of Strong Hydrographic Services in the SW Pacific Region
[Abstract] [Paper] [Handouts]

Mr. Daniel Fitzpatrick (Australia)
Climate Change and the Legal Framework for Settlement Relocation in the South Pacific
[Abstract] [Paper] [Handouts]

John Hannah and Robert Bell (New Zealand)
Coastal hazards – a long-term view of the safety of small island coastal communities in the South Pacific
[Abstract] [Paper] [Handouts]

1300-1415 Lunch
Novotel House
Technical Session 2A: Valuation and Land Administration
Session Chair: Mr. Faatasi Malologa, Director of Lands and Survey, Ministry of Lands, Tuvalu

Mr. Ganileo Williams P (Vanuatu)
Land administration and management for customary rights and tenure
[Abstract] [Paper] [Handouts]

Mr. Matt Myers (Australia)
The state of Valuers: South Pacific Perspective
[Abstract] [Paper] [Handouts]

Novotel House
Technical Session 2B: Geospatial Applications and Infrastructure
Session Chair: Mr. Rob Sarib, Vice Chair of FIG Commission 5

Ms. Litidamu Vasiti Soko (Fiji)
GIS and RS for decision making in the sugar industry
[Abstract] [Paper] [Handouts]

Ms. Qionitoga Vilisi (Fiji)
Landcover Mapping of Pacific Island States
[Abstract] [Paper] [Handouts]

Mr. Forstreuter Wolf (Fiji)
Pacific coconut resource inventory activities
[Abstract] [Paper] [Handouts]

Mr. Tabua Asakaia (Fiji)
Status Of Geodetic Infrastructure In Fiji
[Abstract] [Paper] [Handouts]

Mr. Simon Costello (Australia)
New Zealand And Australia - Geospatial Collaboration, A Regional Perspective
[Abstract] [Paper] [Handouts]

1545-1630 Coffee Break
Novotel House
UN-GGIM-AP/FIG Workshop 1A
Session Chair: Mr. John Dawson, Chair of UN-GGIM-AP WG1

Theme: Reference Frame in Practice

Structure: Presentations from each country

Overview: State of play of geodetic infrastructure in each country presented by country representatives: Mr. Rob Sarib, Vice Chair FIG Commission 5
[Abstract] [Paper] [Handouts]

  • Papua New Guinea by Mr. Robert Rosa
    Mr. Robert Rosa (PNG) and Mr. Richard Stanaway, Australia
    The Development of the Papua New Guinea Geodetic Datum 1994 (PNG94)
    [Abstract] [Paper] [Handouts]
  • Tonga by Mr. Viliami Folau
    [Abstract] [Paper] [Handouts]
  • Samoa by Mr. Safuta Toelau Iulio
    Status Of Geodetic Infrastructure In Samoa
    [Abstract] [Paper] [Handouts]
  • Fiji by Mr. Asakaia Tabua
    Status Of Geodetic Infrastructure In Fiji
    [Abstract] [Paper] [Handouts][Handouts]
  • Vanuatu by Mr. Martin Sokomanu
    [Abstract] [Paper] [Handouts]
  • Kiribati by Mr. Romano Reo
    [Abstract] [Paper] [Handouts]
  • Cook Islands by Mr. Vaipo Mataora
    [Abstract] [Paper] [Handouts]
  • Solomon Islands Mr. Jimmy Ikina
    [Abstract] [Paper] [Handouts]
  • Summary Mr. Rob Sarib
    [Abstract] [Paper] [Handouts]

Coordinator/Facilitator: Mr. John Dawson, UN-GGIM-AP and Mr. Rob Sarib FIG Commission 5

Rapporteur: Mr. John Hannah (New Zealand)

Novotel House
FAO/FIG/GLTN Joint Workshop 1B
Session Chair: Mr.  Aru Mathias, Forest Resource Management Officer, FAO
[Abstract] [Paper] [Handouts]

Theme: Implementing the Voluntary Guidelines

Setting the Scene: Implementing FAO's Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forest

Structure: Presentations from each country:

  • Kiribati by Mr. Tebutonga Ereata
    [Abstract] [Paper] [Handouts]
  • Vanuatu by Mr. Williams P. Ganileo
    [Abstract] [Paper] [Handouts]
  • Tuvalu by Mr. Faatasi Malologa
    [Abstract] [Paper] [Handouts]

Coordinator/Facilitator: Mr. Aru Mathias (FAO) and Ms. Lowie Rosales (UN-Habitat GLTN)

Rapporteur: Ms. Lowie Rosales (UN-Habitat GLTN)

2000- Fiji Dinner
  Friday 20th September 2013
Novotel Conference Center
Plenary Session 2
Session Chair: Prof. Yerach Doytsher, Chair FIG Commision 3

Ms. Sarah Mecartney, UN-Habitat Pacific
Capacity and Professional Development for Responsible Governance and Sustainable Development

Prof. Dominique Fischer, Head of School of Land Management and Development (SLMD), USP
Tertiary education: contribution to responsible Governance

Mr. Simon Costello, Vice-Chair UN-GGIM-AP Working Group 3
Tertiary Education: contribution to responsible Governance
Place based information management for Responsible Governance and Sustainable Development

Prof. John Hannah, Chair FIG Climate Change Task Force
Surveyors, Climate Change, SIDS and Responsible Governance
[Abstract] [Paper] [Handouts]

1045-1130 Coffee Break
Novotel House
UN-GGIM-AP/FIG Workshop 2A
Session Chair: Mr. Rob Sarib, Vice Chair of FIG Commission 5

Theme: Reference Frames in Practice: Modernising geodetic infrastructure

Discussion on fundamental improvements that will enable countries to maintain geo-referenced (ITRF APREF based) datasets and provision of basic positioning services. This will include advice on the role and function of professional bodies, scientific agencies and NGOs (eg. UN-GGIM-AP, IAG, FIG etc.) in assisting with the development of geodetic infrastructure in Pacific SIDS.

  • Mr. Richard Stanaway and Dr. John Dawson
    A template for the development of a modernised geodetic infrastructure in Pacific Island states
    [Abstract] [Paper] [HandoutsRS][HandoutsJD]

Structure: Presentations with discussion

Coordinator/Facilitator: Mr. John Dawson (UN-GGIM-AP) and Mr. Rob Sarib (FIG Commission 5)
Rapporteur: Mr. John Dawson (UN-GGIM-AP)

Novotel House
FAO/FIG Climate Change Task Force/GLTN Joint Workshop 2B
Session Chair: Ms. Sarah Mecartney, UN-Habitat Pacific

Theme: Implementing GLTN tools and the FAO Voluntary Guidelines in the context of climate change

Setting the Scene:
Focus: land tools, clime change

Structure: Claryfications from:

  • Samoa by Mr. Pauniasi Ioane
    Status Of Geodetic Infrastructure In Samoa
    [Abstract] [Paper] [Handouts]
  • Tokelua by Mr. Leatigaga Mark J. Bonin
    [Abstract] [Paper] [Handouts][Video]
  • Niue Islands by Mr. Hubert Kalauni
    [Abstract] [Paper] [Handouts]
  • FIG TF on Surveyors and Climate Change by Mr. John Hannah
    [Abstract] [Paper] [Handouts]


Coordinator/Facilitator: Mr. Aru Mathias (FAO); Ms. Sarah Mecartney; Ms. Lowie Rosales (UN-Habitat GLTN) and John Hannah (FIG Task Force on Climate Change)

Rapporteur: Ms. Lowie Rosales (UN-Habitat GLTN)
[Abstract] [Paper] [Handouts]

1300-1415 Lunch
Novotel House
Open Meeting 3A
Session Chair: Session Chair: Ms. Jiang XiaoHong, UN-GGIM-AP and Mr. Greg Scott, Inter-regional Advisor, GGIM

United Nations Initiative on Global Geospatial Information Management

Novotel House
Open Meeting 3B
Session Chair: Mr. CheeHai Teo, FIG President and Mr.  Aru Mathias, Forest Resource Management Officer, FAO

Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure

1545-1630 Coffee Break
Novotel Conference Center
Closing Session: Panel Discussion
Chair: Mr. CheeHai Teo, FIG President

Brings issues raised in the workshops together and discuss and present conclusions from the meeting.

Suva Statement on Spatially Responsible Governance


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