Conference and Seminar Proceedings

FIG Commission 4: The Blue Economy Conference

14 April in Southhampton, United Kingdom


Tuesday 24 April 2015

08:30 Welcome: Gordon Johnston, Vice-Chair FIG Commission 4
SESSION 1 Chair: Nick Lambert, Consultant, Satellite Applications Catapult, UK
09.10 Dr Jonathan Williams FIMechE FIMarEST, CEO Marine South East

KEYNOTE: Blue Economy: Turning aspiration into opportunity As dependence on the oceans increases, to provide food, energy and ecosystem services for a growing population, the Blue Economy faces unprecedented growth. This presentation explores the potential, in new markets, new customers and new technologies.

09.40 Andy Coote, Director ConsultingWhere

Quantifying the benefits of Marine Spatial Data Infrastructures Analysing risk and measuring benefits to generate sustainable growth for communities and stakeholders around our coasts and in marine areas

10.05 Don Ventura, Business Development Manager Fugro Pelagos

Intelligent exploitation of the Blue Economy – A hydrographic perspective Developing capacity, assessing the risks and managing the coasts and oceans in a sustained and collaborative manner

10.30 Coffee break
SESSION 2 Chair: Gordon Johnston, Vice-Chair FIG Commission 4, UK
11.00 Gordon Drummond, Project
Manager Subsea UK & NSRI

An overview of National Subsea Research Initiative and demonstration of how to engage with us
How the subsea community can source information and benefit by engaging with NSRI.

11.25 Dan Hook, Managing Director

Growing an unmanned marine systems company
Innovating and collaborating to benefit the Blue Economy. The experiences of an SME in attracting stakeholders for investment, projects and growth.

11.50 Sean McCarthy, Head of
Market Facing Programmes

The Satellite Applications Catapult and the marine and coastal sectors
Technology innovation and collaboration in support of a managed and sustainable ocean and marine resource to generate beneifts for many stakeholders in the Blue Economy.

12.15 Prof Alex Rogers, Professor
Oxford University & Global
Ocean Commission (GOC)

Blue growth in the deep sea: balancing economic and environmental considerations
This talk will examine the European blue growth agenda in the context of the deep ocean. The focus areas of sustainable growth that are applicable to the deep sea will be identified.

12.40 Lunch break and time to visit the Ocean Business exhibition
SESSION 3 Chair: Nick Lambert, Consultant, Satellite Applications Catapult, UK
13.45 Michael B Jones, President
The Maritime Alliance
How do we promote the Blue Economy if we don’t know how big it is?
This talk will focus on what we know about the size of the U.S. Blue Economy and BlueTech and efforts underway to quantify and promote them in the U.S. and in NAFTA.
14.10 Mark O'Reilly, Director
Team Humber Marine
Alliance Cluster
Team Humber Marine Alliance - Working in collaboration
Experiences and development of Blue Economy activities to benefit the local community, industry and society.
14.35 Angela Etuonovbe, Chair
FIG Commission 4
The current climate for a sustainable Blue Economy
FIG will outline the need, challenges and opprtinuties for collaborating in generating greater capacity and supporting the Blue Economy.
15.00 Coffee break
SESSION 4 Chair: Gordon Johnston, Vice-Chair FIG Commission 4, UK
15.25 Claudia Delgado,Coordinator
Office for IODE
OceanTeacher Global Academy: sharing expertise and training resources in a coordinated way
Building a sustainable future through the Ocean Teacher Global Academy and associated initiatives with partners and industry.
15.50 Massimo Sarti, Project Director
Food and Agricultural
Organization of the
United Nations
Technological application to fishery management: Asia's largest lagoon ecosystem now on a sustainable course for the future
Collaborating with stakeholders and using spatial data to manage a sensitive ecosystem in Vietnam's Hue Lagoon for sustained use. This project demonstrates the importance of good data and collaboration.
16.15 Paul Holthus, CEO
World Ocean Council
Ocean business leadership and collaboration for sustained growth in the Blue Economy
Growing ocean economic activity is creating increasingly complex business challenges. Many of these challenges are cross-sectorial, creating the need, opportunity and value for multi-industry leadership and collaboration, such as through the World Ocean Council.
16.40 Sam Harper, Int’l Hydrographic
Projects Manager
The Role of Hydrography in Reducing Risk and Supporting Economic Development
Exploring the role of the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office, why the products and services it supplies are important to the Blue Economy and how we are building capacity to realise these benefits.
17.05 Questions, discussion and summary Chair: Nick Lambert, Director, Satellite Applications Catapult
  Exhibition and Ocean Business Wine Trail (until 7pm)

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