Conference and Seminar Proceedings

3rd FIG Young Surveyors European Meeting

16 May 2015 in Sofia, Bulgaria



Theme: “From the Wisdom of the ages to the challenges of the modern world”.




Opening Ceremony + photo session

A short welcome by the representatives of the organisations as well as an opportunity to get your photo taken.

  • Chryssy Potsiou , FIG President
  • Eva-Maria Unger and Paula Dijkstra , FIG Young Surveyors Network
  • Maurice Barbieri , CLGE President
  • Angel Anakiev , Chairman of the Chamber of Engineers in Surveying in Bulgaria
  • Borislav Marinov, Dean of The University of Sofia
  • John Hohol , FIG Foundation President


Astronomy - “Getting inspired”

To get our minds thinking freely, we are starting the meeting with an inspiring presentation from the field of astronomy. When you look out into space (often using the most high tech equipment) you’re actually look out into the past. We use this information to make predictions about the future.
The cosmological model and navigating by using the stars as your surveying markers. You might be surprised how the field of astronomy relates to the world of surveying!

Cosmology: From the Wisdom of the Ages to the Challenges of the Modern World
by Vladimir Bozhilov


Speed dating + Coffee break

Let’s get to know the members of the network!

Is this your first time at a Young Surveyors Network meeting? Well then, don’t be shy, and just get to know each other. This is a great opportunity to make new friends from different backgrounds. Are you a veteran of the Young Surveyors world? Well then, no excuses, share your experience from previous events with the younger ones. Exercising your social skills is important for your professional and personal life, so we propose this exercise where you ‘speed date’ each other.

Here are some example questions to help you break the ice, but remember… be original :)

  • Find three things you have in common.
  • What do you hope to gain from the meeting?
  • Knowing what you know now, would you choose the profession if you were to choose again?
  • Where do you see yourself in the future?
  • Do you have a surveyor role model?
  • What has been the most fun/embarrassing moment in your career so far?
  • What do you know about Bulgaria?


Keynotes - Past, Present and the Future!

Basic surveyance has occurred since humans build the first large structures, back to 2500 BC. From those years surveying is the science of determining the three-dimensional position of points and its accuracy. The basic principles of surveying have changed little over the years, but the tools used by surveyors evolved.

Photogrammetry, space technology and the internet of things rapidly changed the speed of mapping, the amount of information as well as the related products and services. Moreover, the use, the meaning, the scope and and the role of the maps change rapidly between the years. “Timing” is introduced as the crucial factor in our science, as we are living in an era of constant and rapid change. Today, GIS tools, UAVs, with cameras, point clouds, 3D city models and satellite and radar data are the key components of our profession. The rapid improvement in information technology affects a lot the character of our job and determines our opportunities. Surveyors should be prepared to cooperate with other professions, adapt quickly to new technologies and deal efficiently with large amount of information!
How do you see our profession in 10 years from now?

  • The History of Geodesy Told through Maps by Rahmi Nurhan Çelik
  • Past Surveying Glory Shines Upon a Bright Future by John Brock
  • Little orca’s 5000 mile odyssey by John Hohol


Coffee break


Session #1 - Wisdom Through Trial and Error.

Now that you’ve been introduced and inspired during the speed dating session, lets hear an update about what is going on in our network as well as our sister networks.

  • the broader integration and collaboration of Young Surveyors in different organisations;
  • the focus on the role of Young Surveyors on an international scale, and
  • brainstorm on YS Network tasks and responsibilities.




Session #2 - Challenges of the Modern World and International possibilities in Geodesy, Spatial Planning and Land Management.

Geodesy is the science of the the earth. It has been used throughout the ages to explain, measure and represent changes in our world, telling exactly where we can be found on our planet and within the universe that surrounds us. It contributed to this new dawn of mankind where we find ourself today, by bringing civilization together through exploration and by positioning devices around our planet to easily communicate with each other.

Today, Geodesy is not only about positioning and mapping. In this era of information we live in, we have to use our skills as surveyors, to deal with complex situations like urban and regional planning or creating smart environments and infrastructures. Nowadays, all of this can only be achieved by cooperation. We learn from mistakes and from each other by building networks that can connect surveyors around the world, giving new opportunities and meaning to the work of the modern surveyor. This sessions starts with an international perspective on the profession and ends with a technical note.

  • The UN Habitat Programme by Cyprian Selebalo
  • Land Consolidation: How Geodesy Can Help the World by Nyncke Emmens
  • International Job Opportunities: Working as a Freelancer Surveyor by Artemis Valanis


Coffee break

  • A Word on Photogrammetry by prof. Borislav Marinov
  • [handouts]
  • Managing unlimited 3D Scan data: Is That Possible? by Dr. -Eng. Khaled el Nabbout


Session #3 - Speakers Corner

Lets inspire each other through presentations from fellow young surveyors. The stage is open to anyone who has something to present - may it be a project you’ve been working on, a thought you want to share or a question you want to ask. Discussion is actively encouraged. Let’s debate ‘The Challenges of the Modern world’!

  • Digital Urban change mapping for Port Harcourt City by Godwill Pepple
  • What is your timeline? by Nur Zurairah Abdul Halim
  • Ensuring the Surveyor of Tomorrow by Asparuh Kamburow
  • Upcoming FIG YSE Meetings
    • 4th FIG YSEM Netherlands by Paula Dijkstra
    • 5th FIG YSEM Finland by Thumas
    • 6th FIG YSEM Turkey


Closing Ceremony

17-20 May 2015


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