Welcome reception |

Welcome reception of the conference was hosted by HE Mr. Sutiyoso,
the Governor of Jakarta. |

The programme included traditional Indonesian dances and more modern
music - even the Governor sang a duet on the stage. |

VIP table at the welcome dinner in the Jakarta City Hall. |

President Magel gives the FIG globe to HE Mr. Sutiyoso. |

The FIG Conference in Indonesia was highly respected by the authorities
in Jakarta. The Governor gives gifts to some foreign visitors. |
Indonesian evening |

Indonesian evening took place at the Oasis Restaurant... |

... where the famous Rijsttafel was served in a traditional way. |

The evening offered good food... |

... social discussions... |

... and also professional discussions - here Vice President Stig Enemark
together with Keith Bell from the World Bank and Gerhard Muggenhuber
from Commission 3. |

Also the local delegates enjoyed the evening - Diah Kirana
together with Sugeng Priyadi. |
ACCO Dinner |

Vice President Enemark, who this time chaired the commission officers
meeting welcomed the members to the traditional ACCO Dinner. |

This time the dinner was held at the pool area at the JW Marriott Hotel. |

President Yu from ISM together with Stephen Yip, Chair of FIG
Commission 9. |
Farewell Dinner |

President Magel welcomes delegates to the farewell dinner with ... |

excellent food and light classical and jazz music... which entertained
both the VIPs... |

... and delegates from all over the world. |