UN-GGIM Geospatial Societies

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Members of the UN-GGIM-GS are the major international geospatial societies. The UN-GGIM-GS may either invite representatives of relevant organisation to join or an appropriate person from a qualyfying organisation can be accepted based upon their application.

Chairperson 2020-2021

International Geographic Union - IGU

Prof. Céline Rozenblat           
University of Lausanne
Institute of Geography and Sustainability
Faculty of Geoscience and Environment
Geopolis Building- office 3614  - Mouline area       
Email: celine.rozenblat [at] unil.ch

Member organisations and their representatives in the Joint Board

Geoscience and Remote Sensing - IEEE

Mariko Burgin, President IEEE-GRSS (2023-2024)

E-mail: mburgin [at] ieee.org
Web site: http://www.grss-ieee.org/

Representatives in UN-GGIM-GS:

Dr. Mariko Burgin,
President IEEE GRSS (2023-2024)
E-mail: mburgin [at] ieee.org
Web site: http://www.grss-ieee.org/



International Association of Geodesy, IAG
Central Bureau

c/o Prof. Markku Poutanen, IAG Secretary General
Finnish Geospatial Research Institute FGI
National Land Suvey of Finland
Vuorimiehentie 5, 
02150 Espoo
Tel. +358 40 7182152
E-mail: iag.office [at] nls.fi
Web site: www.iag-aig.org/

Representatives in UN-GGIM-GS:

Dr. Zuheir Altamimi
President IAG
Research Director IGN and IPGP France
President, International Association of Geodesy Head, International Terrestrial Reference Frame Center Université Paris Diderot UFR STEP / IPGP
35 rue Hélène Brion 75205
Paris Cedex 13
Tel +33 1 57 27 53 28
Email: zuheir.altamimi[at]ign.fr

Markku Poutanen
Secretary General IAG
Finnish Geospatial Research Institute FGI
National Land Suvey of Finland
Vuorimiehentie 5, 
02150 Espoo
Tel. +358 40 7182152
E-mail: iag.office [at] nls.fi

International Cartographic Association, ICA

Thomas Schulz

Secretary-General and Treasurer
Federal Department of Home Affairs FDHA
Swiss Federal Statistical Office FSO
Espace de l’Europe 10
CH-2010 Neuchâtel
E-mail: secgeneral[at]icaci.org

Web site: http://icaci.org/

Representatives in UN-GGIM-GS:

President Professor Menno-Jan Kraak
Department of Geo-Information Processing 
Faculty of Geoinformation Science & Earth Observation
University of Twente, PO Box 217 
7500 AE Enschede 
Tel: +31 53 4874 463 
Fax: +31 53 4874 335 
E-mail: m.j.kraak[at]utwente.nl 

Tim Trainor
LLC 10382 Stansfield Road Laurel,
Maryland 20723
phone: +1 410-972-9922 
E-mail: president[at]icaci.org

International Federation of Surveyors, FIG
Director Louise Friis-Hansen

Kalvebod Brygge 31-33
DK-1780 Copenhagen V
Tel. + 45 3886 1081
Fax + 45 3886 0252
E-mail: fig[at]fig.net; louise.friis-hansen[at]fig.net
Web site: www.fig.net

Representatives in UN-GGIM-GS:

President Dr Diane Dumashie

E-mail: president[at]fig.net;

International Geographical Union
Secretary General:
Professor Dr Barbaros Gönençgil
Department of Geography
University of Istanbul
İ.Ü.Edebiyat Fakültesi Coğrafya Bölümü
Ordu Cd. No:196 Laleli – İstanbul
Tel: + 90 212 455 5700 /15756
Mobile:+ 90 532 4474509
E-Mail: barbaros [at] istanbul.edu.tr
Web site: https://igu-online.org/ 

Assistant Secretary-General: Dr Pankaj Kumar
Department of Geography
Delhi School of Economics
University of Delhi
Delhi 110007, India
Vox: +91-9599300424
Mobile: +91-9013799488
Email: pankajdsedu [at] gmail.com

Representatives in UN-GGIM-GS:

Prof. Céline Rozenblat - Chair of UN-GGIM-GS
University of Lausanne  
Institute of Geography and Sustainability
Faculty of Geoscience and Environment
Geopolis Building- office 3614  - Mouline CH - 1015 LAUSANNE 
Tel   : 41 (0)21 692 36 13 
Cel   : 41 (0)79 777 05 01
Email: celine.rozenblat [at] unil.ch
President Professor Michael Meadows
Department of Environmental and Geographical Science
University of Cape Town, Private Bag X3
South Lane, Upper Campus
Rondebosch 7701 South Africa
Vox: +27 21 650 2873
Mobile: +27 82 764 7334
E-Mail: michael.meadows [at] uct.ac.za 
Past-President Professor Yukio Himiyama
Emeritus Professor, Hokkaido University of Education
Asahimachi 1-jo, 6-chome, Asahikawa
070-0831, Japan
Vox: +81 166 53 2322
Mobile: +81 80 5599 2930
E-Mail: himiyamay [at] kkd.biglobe.ne.jp
yukiohimiyama [at] gmail.com

International Map Industry Association, IMIA

Donna De Marco, Association Manager
7467 Ridge Road, Suite 220
Hanover, MD 21076
Tel. + 1 443-927-7832
Fax + 1 443-926-9175
E-mail: info[at]imiamaps.org
Web site: http://imiamaps.org/   

Representatives in UN-GGIM-GS:

IMIA President Bridger DeVille
Benchmark Maps
120 Cremona Drive, Suite 260
Santa Barbara, California, US
Telephone: +1 720-838-7051

Board Member Mark Cygan
Board Member, IMIA
380 New York Street
Redlands, CA 92373
Tel: + 1 909 793 2853, ext. 2333
Email: mcygan[at]esri.com 

International Science Council CODATA

Web: https://codata.org/

Representatives in UN-GGIM-GS:

President Merce Crosas Navarro

Email: merce.crosas [at] bsc.es

Executive Director Simon Hodson

Email: simon [at] codata.org

International Society for Digital Earth ISDE

Prof. Dr. WANG Changlin,
Secretary General
Tel.: +86-10-82178196
Email: wcl[at]aircas.ac.cn
Web: www.digitalearth-isde.org

Representatives in UN-GGIM-GS:

Vice President 
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zaffar Sadiq Mohamed-Ghouse
Level 8, 575 Bourke Street, Melbourne, Australia
Telephone: +61-3-96913043
Email: zaffarmgsm[at]gmail.com
Website: www.digitalearth-isde.org

Secretary General
Prof. Dr. WANG Changlin,
Aerospace Information Research Institute
Chinese Academy of Sciences
No. 9 Dengzhuang South Road, Haidian District, Beijing
Tel. +86-10-82178196
Email: wcl[at]aircas.ac.cn
Web: www.digitalearth-isde.org

International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, ISPRS

Jiang Jie

Secretary General, ISPRS
Email: isprs-sg[at]isprs.org
Web: www.cvut.cz

Representatives in UN-GGIM-GS:

Lena Halounova
Presidentl, ISPRS
Czech Technical University in Prague
Faculty of Civil Engineering
RS Laboratory
Thakurova 7, Prague 6,
Czech Republic
Tel.: +420 22435 4952
Email: isprs-pr[at]isprs.org
First Vice President Professor Orhan Altan
Istanbul Technical University
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Department of Geodesy and Photogrammetry
34469 Ayazaga-Istanbul
Tel. + 90 212 285 3810
Fax + 90 212 285 6587
E-mail: oaltan[at]itu.edu.tr   

International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics - IUGG

Dr. Franz Kuglitsch
IUGG Executive Secretary
Helmholtz Centre Potsdam
GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences
Telegrafenberg, A17
14473 Potsdam
Tel. + 49 331 288 1978
Fax + 49 331 288 1759
E-mail: secretariat[at]iugg.org
Web site: http://www.iugg.org  

Representatives in UN-GGIM-GS:

Professor Harald Schuh
Director Department 1 ‘Geodesy and Remote Sensing‘
Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam
DeutschesGeoForschungsZentrum GFZ
Telegrafenberg, A17 
14473 Potsdam
Tel.: +49 331 288 1100
Fax: +49 331 288 1111
Email: schuh[at]gfz-potsdam.de

Open Source Geospatial Foundation
9450 SW Gemini Dr. #42523
Beaverton, Oregon 97008
United States
Web: https://www.osgeo.org/

Representatives in UN-GGIM-GS:

President Angelos Tzotsos

Tel: +306932149344
Email: tzotsos [at] osgeo.org

Chair UN Committee Ariel Anthieni Board Member OSGeo
President Geolibres Argentina
7208 Av Libertador Street, 1429, CABA
Tel: +541140405050
Email: ariel.anthieni [at] osgeo.org

More information: Terms of reference.

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This page is maintained by the FIG Office. Last revised on 24-05-08.