News in 2022

Corporate member of the month in February 2022 - Ripro Corporation
February 2022
Ripro reuses waste plastics and gives it new life in survey markers

Ripro Corporation, founded in 1971 and located in
Okayama Japan, is Japan’s largest manufacturer of plastic recycled
survey stake markers and sells to over 60% of the market.
Ripro’s clients
include surveyors, the Japanese Government, local governments and some
of the largest railroad, utility and transportation companies in Japan.
Ripro donates USD 10,000
"Markers are usually an expression for dividing boarders,
but it can also contribute to connect and make peace in the
world", says CEO of Ripro Kengo Okada.
The story of Little Orca which you can read more about below is
one example of this. Watching the current situation in Ukraine,
Ripro wishes to contribute to a peaceful world, by helping
Ukrainian surveyors through FIG with this generous donation of
USD 10,000.
FIG through FIG Foundation will be collecting funds in a
Disaster Relief Fund.
About Ripro
Ripro is committed to protecting the environment and
invests significant capital in protecting our natural resources.
By recycling rainwater, using solar energy and recycling 100% of
all the plastics used in stakes, they do their part to save the
Ripro has been corporate member of FIG since 2014 and has been present
in the exhibitions at FIG Working Weeks and Congresses ever since. The
Young Surveyors have also benefitted from generous support from Ripro
over the years. A very special thanks goes to the CEO of Ripro, Kengo
Little Orca's 5000 Mile Odyssey
In 2015 FIG presented a very different Article of the Month - a
Manga graphic comic book published by Ripro.
John Hohol, President of FIG Foundation, explains:
"This is the amazing and true story of a Japanese survey marker
uprooted by Typhoon Talas in September 2011 and travelling for 6
months 8000 km (5000 miles) across the Pacific Ocean being
discovered by a boat charter captain along his dock at Orcas
Island, Washington, USA. The manufacturer of the survey marker,
Ripro Corporation, has turned this incredible story into a
traditional Japanese Manga graphic comic book (a timeline
outlining the story is shown on page 32). Enjoy!"
John Hohol got involved because the story made national news
in the US and caught his attention and he recognised the stake
as belonging to the RIPRO Corporation in Japan, a company that
he has worked with. He contacted Kengo Okada, the president of
the Ripro Corporation. Kengo Okada and John Hohol each booked a
flight to Orcas to meet Tom Averna, who found the survey stake,
and retrieve the item.
The story begins: My name is Little Orca and I
would like to tell you how I got my name and my adventure...
After you have read the Manga, you can
read an article about this
amazing adventure
Louise Friis-Hansen
25 February 2022